Welcome to Exploring the Science of Light!
This Web site is devoted to everything optics! You will find ultra cool activities combining Jell-O and laser pointers, definitions of terms like acousto-optics and retroreflection, profiles of optics celebs who are changing our world and an optics timeline stretching from prehistory to the present. Don’t forget to check out the tutorials featuring awesome interactive applets and the super sweet optical illusions that are sure to freak you out!
So get started on your exploration and get ready to be OPTICIFIED!

Click here to check out other wicked optical illusions.
Site Features:
Future Scientists & Tutorials Optics Timeline Reference Materials, Multi-Media links & More |
Optical Illusions Terms & Definitions Optics Celebs Translation Service |
Exploring the Science of Light! is hosted by the Optical Society of America (OSA) as part of its youth education outreach programming. To request more information, and to provide feedback, please contact the OSA education programming staff at: opticseducation@osa.org.